Consul General of Finland in New York, Ambassador Manu Virtamo Hosts Reception for New Consul General, Ambassador Mika Koskinen

On April 9, 2019, the Consul General, Ambassador Manu Virtamo, hosted a Buffet Reception in New York City to “meet and greet” Ambassador Mika Koskinen, the next Consul General of Finland in New York, commencing July 1, 2019. Ambassador Manu Virtamo will be returning to Helsinki from New York which will be his last foreign post before retiring. Ambassador Mika Koskinen will be transferring from Lima Peru where he was Head of Mission, Embassy of Finland, Lima, since 2015.

Representatives from many of the Finnish and Finnish American community, business and financial groups were present for the occasion. Prior to the buffet where Finnish delicacies were served, Ambassador Manu Virtamo introduced the new Consul General and then opened up the floor for individuals to have an opportunity to acknowledge the groups they represented and welcome the new Consul General.

In the picture are attorneys from the Finnish American Lawyers Association with the new Consul General. From left to right are the following: Michael Student, Esq., commercial corporate attorney in the NYC office of Sullivan & Worchester LLP, focusing on overseas companies entering the US market with an emphasis on Finland; (2) Ambassador Mika Koskinen; (3) Robert Alan Saasto, Esq., President of Finnish American Lawyers Association; and (4) Jarno Vanto, Esq., cybersecurity and data privacy attorney assisting clients in complex regulatory matters.

The event was a perfect opportunity for the Finnish and Finnish American community, business and financial groups to meet and greet the new Consul General from Finland to New York in an informal and festive gathering.

Robert Alan Saasto, Esq.
President Finnish American Lawyers Association FALA